A robe that is only saved for spell working can be a fundamental part of your magickal paraphernelia. It can
be plain, decorated, and of any colour that appeals to you as long as it make you feel magickal. It is nice to have
more than one robe, each in a different colour. The colours can be matched to the candle colours required for a particaular
If you don't like the idea of a robe, wear whatever you feel comfortable wearing. The idea is for you to feel at
ease, and not to be fashionable.
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Is an excellent colour for those involved with divination.
Is favoured for those who work with pure divine power (magicians) or those who wish to deepen their spiritual awareness
of the Goddess and God.
Is suited for healers and those who work with their psychic awareness or attuning with the Goddess in Her oceanic aspect.
Empowers herbalists and magickal ecologists.
Is worn by those who attune with animals or who cast spells for them.
Symbolises purification and pure spirituality, and also is perfect for meditation and cleansing rituals. It is
worn for Full Moon celebrations, or to attune with the Goddess.
Robes can be worn to Sabbats, for protective rites or when attuning with the God in His fiery solar aspect.
Robes are quite popular in this colour. Contrary to popular misconceptions, black doesn't symbolize evil.
It is the absence of colour. It is a protective hue and symbolizes the night, the universe and a lack of falsehood.
When a Wiccan wears a black robe, she / he is donning the blackness of outer space - symbolically, the ultimate source of
divine energy.