A really interesting book. Has loads of useful information, including lots of information on the sabbats.
more info. to come
more info. to come
This is a brilliant book, which includes detailed information on over a 100 different gem stones and crystals
- including meanings and properties of colours. It also includes information on the different shapes of crystals, and
on crystal care, formation and meditation. A must have for anyone interested in collecting and using crystals.
[Book blurb]
Celtic Magic---Magickal knowledge for everyday life.
Celtic Magic is an ancient practice firmly rooted in the Celtic pantheon, Nature and the Elements. Included
in this book are the various methods of spellwork, ritual, meditation and divination that can help you influence or even change
aspects of your life. Learn how to:
* gain money
* gain love
* gain protection
* gain prophecies
* rid yourself of negatives
* bind a trouble-maker
* strengthen your psychic shield
* promote physical, mental and spiritual health.
"An excellent, informative, and practical book on Celtic Magic. D.J. Conway gives much valuable
information. The Tables of Correspondence and the Table of Deities alone are worth the cost of the book. For anyone
interested in the Celts and / or Magic, this is a must."
- Raymond Buckland: Buckland's Complete Book of Witchcraft / Secrets of Gypsy Fortunetelling.
Vicki's Opinion:
This is a really interesting book. It includes lots of information on the Celts, and traditional Celtic
magic. Has several magickal correspndances charts, and altar layouts. Has lots of associations for the Gods' and
A Practical Guide to the Runes: Lisa Peschel
[Book Blurb]
RUNE MAGICK: A Powerful Force for Guidance, Protection, and Luck.
EIHWAZ the yew, URUZ the wild ox, KENAZ the hearth fire. Created by the Nordic and Germanic tribes of
northern Europe, the runes began as a magickal system of pictographs representing the forces and objects in nature.
This guidebook will help you discover the oracular nature of the runes and how to use them as a magickal tool
for insight, protection, and luck. Pratical and concise, this book includes:
* Complete descriptions of the twenty-four runes of the Elder Futhark, plus WYRD, the blank rune.
* The differences between bindrunes and rune scripts.
* Four rune layouts and detailed rune interpretations, including reversed position meanings.
* How to carve runes and create talismans.
* Meanings and uses of the runes in magick.
Hedgewith - A Guide to Solitary Witchcraft: Rae Beth
[Book Blurb]
Hedge Witch, now available in paperback, is a modern guide to the ancient path of the village wisewoman or wiseman.
Written in the form of letters from an experienced witch to her two apprentices, solitary witchcraft is offered,
not as a substitute for coven worship, but as a fulfilling lifestyle in its own right. Rae Beth explains the importance
of the Goddess and her consort, the Horned God, as sources of spiritual strength and worship. The author extols the
feminine principles of healing and regeneration as well as attacking greed and self-interest which jeopardize the planet's
very future.
Rae Beth provides spells for all the key festivals of the witch's calendar; describes the therapeutic powers
of trancework and herbalism and outlines the Pagan approach to finding a partner. Her lyrical letters, accompanied by
delicate pen and ink sketches, bring the reader towards a deeper understanding of the solitary witch's lifestyle and beliefs.
" A wealth of information on natural magic, rural Paganism and the traditional side of the Craft." Prediction.
" A positive must for both the novice and for anyone who has ever wondered what modern witchcraft is all
about." Moonshine.
" This is a book which should grace the bookshelf of every budding occultist." Sirius.
Wicca - A Guide for the Solitary Practitioner: Scott Cunningham
Living Wicca - A further Guide for the Solitary Practitioner: Scott Cunningham
Earth, Air, Fire & Water: Scott Cunningham
[Book blurb]
A water - smoothed stone...The wind...A candle's
flame...A pool of water. These are the age-old tools of natural magic. Born of the Earth, possessing inner power,
they await only our touch and intention to bring them to life.
The four Elements are the ancient powerhouses of magic.
Using their energies, we can transform ourselves, our lives and our worlds. Tap into the marvelous powers of the natural
world with these rites, spells and simple rituals that you can do easily and with minimum of equipment.
* Includes more than 75 spells, rituals and ceremonies.
* Provides detailed instructions for designing your own magical spells.
* Instills a sense of wonder concerning our planet and our lives.
* Promotes a natural, positive practice that anyone can successfully perform.
" This handbook of contemporary folk magic is filled with easy-to-perform rituals, designed to bring
about beneficial personal transformation through rapport with the elements of nature. Those who have enjoyed working
with Scott's earlier book 'Earth Power' can find additional useful material in this work." --- Selena Fox, High
Priestess, Circle Sanctuary.
" The elemental building blocks of magic and nature---described here simply and elegantly---with practical
spells for every imaginable purpose. A wonderful introduction for the new practitioner, or an easy-to-use reference
work for the more experienced spell crafter." ---- Anoda Judith, Wheels of Life: A User's Guide to the Chakra