In general, Calcite is a stone which deals with the cleansing of bodily organs, it is said to sharpen mental clarity,
boost memory, aids inner knowledge, and is also a healing stone.
Calcite also has several different types/colours:
PINK: calming, ceners, grounds, love
ORANGE: protection, memory, energy, joy
GREEN: prosperity, new knowledge
RED: increases energy, uplifts emotions, aids willpower and opens the heart chakra. Alleviates fear.
Energizes a party.
RHOMBOID: closes off mind chatter, brings mental stillness. Power healer of the past.
BLACK: helps you to regain memories. Returns the stone to the body after trauma or stress. Alleviates depression.
BLUE: Good stone for recuperation and relaxation. Lowers blood pressure and dissolves pain. Soothes
nerves and lifts anxieties. Releases negative emotions.
CLEAR: Is a good healing stone. Is a powerful detoxifier. It cleanses and aligns the chakras.
It brings about deep soul healing, and revitalisation. Opens and clears both your inner and outer eyes.
GOLD: excellent for meditation and for attuning into higher mental planes. Creates mental alertness.
ICELAND SPAR (Optical Calcite): amplifies images and heals the eyes. Reduces the tension that causes
migranes. A cleanser of the subtle bodies.
Semi-precious stone, a reddish variety of chalcedony. This stone is useful for understanding ones rhythms and cycles and
it is said that if it is worn in a pouch round the neck by a woman during menstrual periods, it will help to ease the stomach
cramps felt at that time. Strengthens the voice; helps rheumatism and arthritis, depression, neuralgia; aids the sense of
touch. Used for infertility and impotence. Alleviates blood poisoning, infections and nose bleeds. Helps in the treatment
of sores, spasms and wounds. Protects from evil, elevates the spirit, grounds energies thus assisting concentration and mental
focus by clearing the mind and focusing ones thoughts. Helps daydreamers and those who are absent-minded.
throid, reduces stress, relaxing, peacefulness, growth, crreativity, reliability, expression, awareness, truth, speech.
Is an excellent grounding stone. Assists you in feeling comfortable with the environment. Alleviates
homesickness. Helps meditation. Helps you to explore past lives. Is beneifical to travellers and travel,
as it helps you to adjust to different cultures. Is a good stone for imparting energy and vitality. Helps overcome
insomnia and nightmares.
Is a nurturing stone. It promotes brotherhood and good will.
Is a form of Beryl. Brings about compassion and forgiveness, generosity and confidence. Strengthens self worth
and releases outworn energy patterns. Encourages forgiveness for those who have perpetrated injustices. Can higlight
the cause of disease.
There are several different forms of Chrysoberyl: Alexandrite, Cat's Eye and Cymophane.
soothes, clams, eases fear and guilt, attracts love.
soothes heartache and loneliness, promotes emotional balance, grants inner peace and strength, promotes courage, helps
create bonds of trust between the bearer and the Goddess.
For congestion, either physical or mental. Unblocks energy flow. Used to encourage prosperity.
womens healing, increases fertility, arthritis, children.