Restores physical energy (especially following trauma or shock). Strengthens inner ear
and improves sense of hearing. Aids vitamin absoption. Increases language skills, raises self-esteem. Helps maintain loving
state in everyday life by bolstering one's resolve not to give in without one having to be aggressive or non-loving.
Rock crystal:
Relieves diarrhoea, dizziness, haemorrhage, kidney troubles, spasms, vertigo. Helps ease
pain anywhere.
Rose Quartz:
This lovely stone is claimed to be one of the best stones to use in the treatment of migrines
and headaches of all types. Calms emotions, helps suffering due to emotional trauma, heals wounds of neglect giving inner
peace. It is also said to stimulate the imagination and the intellect and to open up the heart to inner peace, self love and
self recognition. It is a very healing stone for internal wounds, bitterness and sorrows. It promotes forgiveness, love and
friendship. It makes one more receptive to beauty, hastens recovery and gladdens the heart. The Venus - or love - stone.