Zebra - Stone:
Is usually made of a combination of quartz and basalt. Improves stamina and endurance. Aids in teaching
compassion to others. Conveys the message of love and the inexhaustable energy of the Universal Source. Can be
used to help spasms and heart palpitations. Also helps ease teeth and gum degeneration.
Zeolite is a combination stone. It usually combines crystals such as Apophylite, Okenite, Pectolite, Prehnite,
and Stillbite. Is a stone which enhances the environment around you. It absorbs toxins and odours, and benefits
agriculture and gardening, when buried in the ground. Zeolite is a Reiki stone which aids attunement to energies, and
also enhances the response to healing. Can be used to treat goiters, dispel bloating, and to release toxins from the
physical body. It is a good stone for overcoming addictions.
A stone which attracts abbundance at both a physical and spiritual level. Is a stone which can be used
to anchor the body securely to the physical world. Is a good stone to be used to reenergize depleted energy systems.
Improves skin and hair, and is also benoficial for the prostate gland and for meopausal symptons. It boosts the immune
system and treats diseases such as CFS, AIDS, and can be used to help prevent epilepsy, and to treat infertility.
Is also known as the "stone of virtue". Promotes unions - physical, emotional and spiritual. Symbolises
purity, innocence and constancy. Can be used to treat spinal and spinal cord problems. It increases bone stability.
Can be used as a poison antidote.
Zoisite transmutes negative energies into positive ones, and can also connect to spiritual realm.
It encourages recovery from severe illness or stress. It dispels lethargy and brings to the surface repressed feelings
and emotions. Encourages individuality. Is a detoxifier and neutraliser. Helps to reduce imflammation.
It helps to strengthen the immune system, regenerates cells, and treats the heart, pancreas, spleen and lungs. Helps
to stimulate fertility, and heal diseases of the ovaries and testicles.