The Alexandrian Tradition of Wicca was founded in the 1960's by Alex Sanders and his wife Maxine. Alex Sanders
has been known as "The King of Witches." This tradition orginated in England. During the 1960's and 1970's the
Alexandrian Tradition was responsible for opening Wicca up to the general public, and initiated hundreds of newcomers to the
Craft. Two of the more notable people that Sanders initiated were Stewart Farrer and Janet Owen.
The Alexandrian Tradition has an eclectic nature. Alexandrian Tradition focuses quite a lot on ritual and ceremonial
magick. Alexandrian Wiccan's are trained different types of ceremonial magic, such as Qabalah and Angelic Magic.
Typically, Alexandrian covens have a hierachical structure.
Some Alexandrian traditions will allow non initiated guests to attend some circle meetings.
Alexandrian Wicca uses many rituals and tools similar to the Gardnerian tradition, but the tools are often used differently,
and the rituals adapted. In Alexandrian Wicca the names for deities and the quarters are often slightly different.
It is one of the more popular traditions of Wicca.