ACACIA: stimulates psychic powers.
AFRICAN VIOLET: protection, promotes spirituality in the home.
ALLSPICE: attracts good luck and money.
ALOE: attracts good fortune, love, spiritual vibrations, strength
ALTHEA: protection, stimulates psychic powers.
AMBER: protection, emotional stability
ANISE: protection, purification, awareness, joy, sleep, psychic enhancement, meditation.
BASIL: protection, love, wealth, healing relationships, courage, ensuring faithfulnes, fertility, exorcism.
BAY: facilitates psychic powers, induces prophetic dreams/visions.
BAYBERRY: good luck, prosperity
BENZOIN: purification, meditation, prosperity, love, peace, cleansing
BERGAMOT: prosperity.
BISTORT: divination aid.
BRACKEN: burned outdoors to magickally produce rain.
CARNATION: healing, energy, protection
CEDAR: purification, attract love, prevent nightmares, heal various ailments, stimulates/strengthens psychic bonds.
CEDARWOOD: healing, purification, un - hexing, protection, money, attraction.
CINNAMON: spiritual quests, power, love, success, psychic work, healing, cleansing, clairvoyence, lust, protection
CITRON: healing, strengthens psyhic powers.
CITRONELLA: purification
CLOVE: money matters, vision, exorcism, love, protection, cleansing, purification
COCONUT: protection.
COPAL: purification, attracts love.
DAMIANA: promotes psychic visions.
DITTANY OF CRETE: conjuring spirits, astral projection.
DRAGONS BLOOD: exorcism, luck, love, dispels negativity, restores male potency, protection.
DILL: money, protection, love.
ELECAMPANE: scrying, strengthens divinatory powers.
EUCALYPTUS: protection, healing.
FERN: exorcism.
FIR BLASAM: purification, meditation, healing.
FRANGAPANI: aphrodisiac, calming, seductive.
FRANKINCENSE: protection, blessing, spirituality, meditation, power, consecration, exorcism
FUMITORY: exorcism.
GALANGAL: break curses cast by sorcerers.
GERANIUM: fertility, health, love, protection
GINGER: love, success, power, money.
GINSENG ROOT: keeps wicked spirits at bay, protection against evil.
GOTU KOLA: meditation.
GRAPEFRUIT: cleansing.
HEATHER: burned to conjure beneficial spirits, magickally produce rain.
HIBISCUS: attract love.
HONEYSUCKLE: psychic powers, protection, finances.
HOREHOUND: traditionally burned as a offering to the Egyptian God - Horus.
JASMINE: love, money, induce dreams
JUNIPER BERRY: protection from accidents, harm, theft, exorcism, love.
LAVENDER: sleep, longevity, peace, wishes, protection, love, purification, visions, clarity of thought, attraction.
LEMON: love, friendship, purication.
LEMONGRASS: love potions, aphrodisiac, fertility, psychic powers.
LILAC: stimulate/increase psychic powers, attract harmony into life.
LIME: sleep, protection, love.
LOTUS: protection.
MACE: stimulates/increases psychic powers.
MASTIC: conjures beneficial spirits, stimulates/increases psychic powers, intensifies sexual desires.
MESQUITE: healing.
MINT: increases sexual desire, exorcism, conjure beneficial spirits, attracts money. Mint possesses strong healing
vibrations and protective powers.
MUSK: attraction, passion, courage, fertility.
MYRRH: peace, meditation, purification, protection, exorcism, healing.
NAG CHAMPA: meditation, spirituality, purification.
NEROLI: courage, confidence, joy, peace, sensuality.
NUTMEG: clairvoyence, prosperity, fidelity, health.
OAK MOSS: virility.
ORANGE SWEET: love, beauty, prosperity.
PATCHOULI: money, fertility, passion, new business.
PEPPERMINT: healing, purification, sleep, love.
PINE: healing, protection.
POPPY: promotes female fertility, attracts love, good luck and money.
RED ROSE: love, love divination, enchantment, increase psychic powers, heals emotional pain, good luck, soothes anger,
heals insomnia, phobias and stress.
ROSE: courage, induce prophetic dreams, attract love.
ROSEMARY: love, lust, improve memory, sleep, purification, youth, power, healing, protection, intellect.
RUE: healing.
SAGE: immortality, longevity, protection, wisdom, wishes.
SAGEBRUSH: healing, banishing.
SANDALWOOD: protection wishes, healing, spirituality, exorcism.
SASSAFRAS: health, money.
SOLOMON'S SEAL: traditionally burned as an offering to many ancient pagan deities.
SPEARMINT: healing.
STRAWBERRY: attracts love.
SWEETGRASS: conjures beneficial spirits.
TANGERINE: luck, love, divination, money.
TEA TREE: healing.
THYME: purification, wards off negativity, sleep, psychic energy, courage, healing.
VERVAIN: love, protection, purification, peace, money, youth, chastity, sleep, healing.
VETIVER: luck, love, money.
WHITE ROSE: encourage new and blossoming love, keeping secrets, enchantments, helps you to not be noticed, phobias.
WILLOW: avert evil, attract love, healing, used as an offering to lunar deities.
WINTERGREEN: protection, hex breaking, healing.
WISTERIA: protection.
WORMWOOD: stimulate/increase psychic powers, conjure spirits from the grave.
YLANG YLANG: love, sex, oppurtunity, peace.