Other Names: Winter Solstice
Yule Herbs: Bayberry, Blessed Thistle, Laurel, Pine, Sage, Yellow Cedar, Rosemary
Yule Deities: All Crone and Hag Goddesses. Hades/Pluto, Odin, Frigg/Frigga, Skadhi, Auriel/Uriel, Thyrm,
Uller, Nyx/Nox.
Yule Colours: Red, White, Green, Gold
Yule Offerings: Cream, Beer, Bread, Cakes, Cider
- it is the time when we celebrate the return of the waxing sun.
- light and life can be seen to be returning and conquering death.
- Yule is a turning point, a time of change, where the tides of the year turn and begin to flow in the opposite direction.
- it is the darkest time of the year, the time of the longest night, but there is the promise of the return of light.
- at Yule we encourage the sun to rise and to grow in power, and we remember the seasons of plenty. Magickally
we bring back the seasons of plenty, and we feast on rich foods and drink.
- the fir tree often seen at Yule, represents life admist death, it is evergreen, representing everlasting life, and
lasting friendship. Evergreen trees represent youth and freshness, and are a symbol of spring. A Yule tradition
is to dress an evergreen tree, and make offerings. We honour the spirit of the tree, and what it represents. Offerings
include fruit, jewellery, decorated pine cones, symbols of the sun and fertility, birds, animals etc.
- holly and mistletoe, often grow at Yule, and these bear berrires which symbolising fertility.
- white mistletoe berries represent the semen of the Horned God
- red holly berries represent both the mentrual cycle/blood of the Goddess, and the sacrifice of the God.
- at Yule we say goodbye to the dying sun, and wait through the long, cold night for the sun's rebirth.
- the night belongs to the Goddess, and is a night of waiting through her pregnancy for the Child of Promise.
- in the morning we greet the sun and celebrate the waxing year. The rising sun brings the promise of Spring and
the gifts that Spring will bring.
- the Sun is now the Child of Promise, the Young Hero God.
- it is a time of making wishes and hopes for the coming year, and of seeking resolutions.