Other Names: Imbolg
Imbolc Herbs: Angelica, Basil, Bay Laurel, Benzoin, Blackberry, Celandine, Coltsfoot, Heather, Iris, Myrrh, Tansy,
Violets, and all white or yellow flowers
Imbolc Incense: Basil, Bay, Wisteria, Cinnamon, Violet, Vanilla, Myrrh
Imbolc Colours: white, pink, red, yellow, light green, brown, silver.
Imbolc Stones: Amethyst, Bloodstone, Garnet, Ruby, Onyx, Turquoise
Imbolc Foods: pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, poppyseed cakes, muffins, scones, breads, all dairy products, peppers,
onions, garlic, raisins, spiced wines, herbal teas.
Imbolc Deities: all virgin/maiden Goddesses, Brighid, Aradia, Athena, Inanna, Gaia and Februa, and the Gods of
fertility and love, Aengus Og, Eros and Februus, Bras, Cerridwen.
Imbolc Symbols: Brideo'gas, Besoms, White Flowers, Candle Wheels, Brighids Crosses, Priapic Wands (acorn tipped),
Imbolc Offerings: Beer
- Is the festival of the maiden.
- Imbolc is Irish Gaelic, and is translated variously as "in the belly" and "ewes milk".
- Bride or Brighid is a three - fold Celtic Goddess.
- Imbolc represents the quickening of light and life.
- At Imbolc, the first flowers of spring begin to show; snowdrops and winter aconite begin to appear.
- At Imbolc we celebrate the Waking Light of the soul. Our spirits begin to quicken as we anticipate the rebirth
of nature.
- Imbolc is the traditional Wiccan time for initiation ceremonies.
- Imbolc is a time for banishing winter and welcoming spring.
- At Imbolc, we welcome the Goddess who is renewed, reborn as the Flower Maiden. She has passed through Her phase
as the Hag and Crone, and is Maiden once again.
- In Ireland, St.Brighids cross is made of rushes and straw - representing the Sun Wheel or Fire Wheel.
- At this time it was believed that the Spirit of the Grain, or the Goddess herself, resided in the last grain from the
harvest, and this grain was ritually brought into the house at Imbolc, blessed and planted as the first seed of the next harvest.
- the grain found at Imbolc, can also be made into a female figure, the Brideog (or Little Brighde) and dressed.
- At Imbolc, the Goddess in her three aspects, as the new born Flower Maiden; the Mother or Bride of fertility, awaiting
the fertilizing Sun God, and the Dark Crone of the dark half of the year.
- At Imbolc, the Sun is growing in strength, the Child of Promise, re - born at Yule, is now the Conquering Child.
- At Imbolc, what was born at the Solstice begins to manifest, and this is the time for individualism,as we each light
our own light, and set ourselves tasks and challenges.
- At Imbloc, we nurture and kindle our resolutions and begin to look outwards again, do outer activity, although first
we look deep within to discover what potential lies there waiting to be fulfilled.
- Imbolc is the time to develop non - physical skills, such as psychometry, clairvoyence and precognition.