- Other Names: May Day, Bealtaine, Beltane, Bhealtainn, Bealtinne, Festival of Tana, Giamonios,
Rudemass, Walburga.
- Symbols: May Pole, Eggs, Baskets, Flowers, Trees, Butterchurn.
- Deities: May Queen, Green Man, Flower Goddesses, Divine Couple, Deities of the Hunt.
- Colours: Red and White.
- Herbs: almond, ash, cinquefoil, frankincense, marigold, meadowsweet, and woodruff may be burned;
angelica, bluebells, daisy, hawthorn, ivy, lilac, primrose, and rose may be decorations.
- Beltaine is the Irish - Gaelic word for the name of the month of May.
- Beltaine is the time of the year when the Maiden of Spring and the Lord of the Waxing Year meet and rejoice together
in green fields under the sun.
- At this time everyday life is intertwined with the spiritual, and all of nature is renewed.
- At Beltaine Pagans meet in the time of the flowering, to dance the Spiral Dance.
- Beltaine is the beginning of the Celtic Summer and also the light seasons of the year.
- At Beltaine, like at Samhain, it is a time in which the veil between the worlds is at one of its thinnest points
of the year, and therefore it is a time to communicate with spirits, particularly nature spirits.
- It is a festival which is associated with the Celtic God Bel [Balor, Belenus], who is the God of light and fire.
- Traditionally at Beltaine many fires are built, and young unmarried people would leap over the bonfire to wish
for a husband . wife, and young women would leap over the bonfire to ensure fertility, and couples would leap over it to strengthen
their bonds.
- During Beltaine it is common to see Maypoles, which represent both the phallus and the Goddess. It acts
as the World Tree connecting the 3 worlds; it has its roots in the Underworld, and its branches in the Heavens. The
shamans spirit may therefore travel between the realms via the World Tree.
- The phallus and the World Tree may be seen as two aspects of the God in His relationship to the Goddess in His
cycle of birth, death and rebirth.
- The May King is the Green Man, and was often covered entirely in leaves.
- The mating of the Green Man with the Goddess as May Queen was a magickal act seen as necessary for the fertility
of the land / Earth.
- Beltaine is a time of fertility, and is also an excellent time for Handfastings and the sacred marriage.
- The Hawthorn tree blossoms can be gathered and made into a wine to be drank at the next Beltaine.
- Celebrate Beltaine by taking pleasure in life an enjoying the gifts of the Goddess.