Other Names: Autumnal Equinox, Fall Equinox, Modron, Wine Harvest, Feast of Avalon, Alban Elved (Druidic
tradiutions), Alban Elfed, Winter Finding.
Mabon Colours: brown, russet, maroon, orange, fall colours, gold.
Mabon Deities: Wine Gods, Harvest Deities, Aging Deities. Apollo, Demeter/Ceres, Dionysus/Bacchus, Hathor,
Thor, Gabriel, Gaia/Tellus.
Mabon Symbols: Apples, Wine, Vines, Garlands, Gourd, Cornucopia, Burial Cairns
Mabon Herbs: benzoin,
marigold, myrrh, sage, Solomons Seal and thistles may be burned; acorns, astors, ferns, honeysuckle, milkweed, mums, oak leaves,
pine, passionflower, and roses may be used as decorations.
Mabon Offerings: grains, meats and fruits gathered during the harvest.
- Mabon is a time of equilibrium, day and night are equal and the tide of the year flows steadily.
- Mabon represents the repose after action, the time to take satisfaction in the work of the summer and reap its benefits.
- Mabon is the 2nd harvest festival, with friut being gathered in.
- At Mabon we celebrate the abundance of the Earth, and make wine from the excess fruit.
- Mabon is the time of the Vine.
- The God, who was Lord of the Green Wood in the summer and the Corn King at Lammas, now dances His last dance upon the
Earth as Dionysus, God of Wine, music and dance, before making His descent to the Underworld to take up His role as the Dread
Lord of Shadows.
- The Lord of Light, the SUn King, His power waning, exists briefly in balance with the Dark Lord before giving way to
the growing power of darkness, but the power of the Sun is preserved in the grape and the fruits on Earth.
- The wine will remind us of His power throughout the year.
- Leaves falling from the trees and rotting into Earth are a reflection of the Horned God's journey from the Greenwood
to the Underworld, deep into the womb of the mother, where he will reside until He begins to emerge with the new green shoots
in spring.
- The Autmnal Equinox marks the completion of the harvest, and thankgiving, with the emphasis on the future return of
- The themes of the Autumnal Equinox are the completion of the harvest, balance of Light and Dark, and of male and female,
and an acknowledgement of the waning power of the sun and the waxing power of the Dark Lord.