Every Witch should have at least a set of 3 cords. Each should be nine feet long, with the ends either knotted
or bound with thread to prevent fraying. The only exceptions to the nine foot standard are the 2 four foot six inch
cords for the intiation ceremony / binding.
WHITE: purity, innocence, work for small children, Kether on the Tree of Life.
BLACK: restriction, limitation, binding, Saturn, Binah on the Tree.
GOLD / YELLOW: solar magick, the Sun God, Tiphareth on the Tree, in some systems the Earth colour.
SILVER: moon magick, Moon Goddess, Goddess in Her winter, life in death aspect.
RED: life, fie, vigour, organic healing, Mars, Geburah on the Tree, the male, electric principal.
ORANGE: intellect, communication, travel, Mercury, Hod on the Tree.
GREEN: nature, Goddess in her summer, death - in - life, water, emotion, instinct, intuition, Venus / Aphrodite, Netzach
on the Tree.
BLUE: Sky Goddess, Air, functional healing, Jupiter, justice, organization, administration, Chesed on the Tree, the female,
magnetic principle.
VIOLET: The Akashic Principle, the astral plane, Yesod on the Tree, in some systems the spirit colour.
BROWN: preferred by some to yellow as the Earth colour.