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A list of magickal herbs which are associated with the God.

ADONIS: myrrh, corn, rose, fennel, lettuce, white heather.
AESCULAPIUS: bay, mustard.
AJAX: delphinium.
ANU: tamarisk.
APOLLO: leek, hyacinth, heliotrope, cornel, bay, frankincense, date palm, cypress.
ATTIS: pine, almond.
ARES: buttercup.
BACCHUS: grape, ivy, fig, beech, tamarisk.
BALDUR: St. John's Wort, daisy.
BRAN: alder, all grains.
CUPID: cypress, sugar, white violet, red rose.
DAGDA: oak.
DIANUS: fig.
DIONYSUS: fig, apple, ivy, grape, pine, corn, pomegranate, toadstools, mushrooms, fennel, all wild and cultivated trees.
DIS: cypress.
EA: cedar.
EROS: red rose.
HELIOS: sunflower, heliotrope.
HERNE: oak.
HORUS: horehound, lotus, persea.
HYPNOS: poppy.
JOVE: pine, cassia, houseleek, carnation, cypress.
JUPITER: aloe, agrimony, sage, oak, mullein, acorn, beech, cypress, houseleek, date palm, violet, gorse, ox - eye daisy, vervain.
KERNUNNOS: heliotrope, bay, sunflower, oak, orange.
KANALOA: banana.
MARS: ash, aloe, dogwood, buttercup, witch grass, vervain.
MERCURY: cinnamon, mulberry, hazel, willow.
MITHRAS: cypress, violet.
NEPTUNE: ash, bladderwrack, all seaweeds.
ODIN: mistletoe, elm.
OSIRIS: acacia, grape, ivy, tamarisk, cedar, clover, date palm, all grains.
PAN: fig, pine, reed, oak, fern, all meadow flowers.
PLUTO: cypress, mint, pomegranate.
POSEIDON: pine, ash, fig, bladderwrack, all seaweeds.
RA: acacia, frankincense, myrrh, olive.
SATURN: fig, blackberry.
TAMMUZ: wheat, pomegranate, all grains.
THOTH: almond.
THOR: thistle, houseleek, vervain, hazel, ash, birch, rowan, oak, pomegranate, burdock, beech.
URANUS: ash.
WODEN: ash.
ZEUS: oak, olive, pine, aloe, parsley, sage, wheat, fig.


