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There are five main elements used in Wicca, these are; Earth, Fire, Air, Water and Spirit.
Earth : To Keep Silent
 Direction                          North
 Colours                            Brown, black, purple, green
 Season                              Winter
 Ritual symbol                   Pentacle
 Favoured moon phase      Fourth quarter
 Favoured time                  Midnight
 Elemental Spirit                 Gnomes
 Magickal Tool                  Stone or Pentagram
 Sense                              Touch
 Concepts: body, strength, stillness, endurance, mystery, power, 
 healing, skill, touch, wisdom
 Positive Qualities: strength, steadfastness, stability, sensuality,
 humility, selfnessness, patience, responsibility, persistance,
 realization, growth, tolerance, prosperity
 Negative Qualities: laziness, stubborness, greed, inertia,
 attention seeking, domineering, depression, melancholy
* it is the physical earth and the very heart of life.
* it is essential to spells and rituals of prosperity, business, fertility,
   and stability.
* Earth is a feminine element and governs stone and knot magick.
* Astrological Element: Taurus/Virgo/Capricorn
Fire: To Will
 Direction                          South
 Colours                            Red, orange, gold
 Season                             Summer
 Ritual symbol                  Athame/sword
 Favoured moon phase     Second quarter
 Favoured time                 Noon
 Elemental Spirit               Firedrakes or Salamanders
 Magikal Tool                     Wand or Staff
 Sense                                 Sight
 Concepts: energy, freedom, success, drive, light, power, vision,
 Positive Qualities: sensuality, sexuality, courage, motivation, drive,
 enthusiasm, passion, will, creativity, change.
 Negative Qualities: fickleness, vengefulness, violence, fear, hatred,
 possessiveness, cruelty, anger, egotism.
* Fire is essential to spells and rituals of healing, purification, sex, breaking bad habits, or destroying illness and disease.
* Fire is the element of authority and leadership.
* Fire is a masculine element and governs all candle magick.
* Astrological element: Aries/Leo/Sagittarius
Air: To Know
 Direction                         East
 Colours                           Blue, yellow, green
 Season                             Spring
 Ritual symbol                  Wand/sword
 Favoured moon phase     First quarter
 Favoured time                 Dawn
 Elemental Spirits             Slyphs or Spirits
 Magickal Tools                Athame or Sword
 Sense                                 Smell
 Concepts: intellect, knowledge, clarity, discrimination, mind, speed,
 sound, intuition.
 Positive Qualities: imagination, inspiration, wisdom, hope, happiness,
 logic, joy, analysis, discernment, decisiveness.
 Negative Qualities: anxiety, fear, impulsiveness, paranoia, dispersion,
 prejudice, insecurity.
* Air is the element of new life and possibilities.
* Air is essential to spells and rituals of travel, instruction, finding
   lost items, some types of divination and freedom.
* Air aids in visualization, a vital technique in Magick.
* Air is a masculine element and governs the magick of the four winds.
* Astrological elements: Gemini/Libra/Aquarius
Water: To Dare
 Direction                         West
 Colours                           Blue, white, light grays, pinks, light greens
 Season                             Autumn
 Ritual symbol                  Chalice
 Favoured moon phase     Full moon
 Favoured time                 Dusk
 Elemental Spirit                  Undines or Merfolk
 Magickal Tool                    Chalice or Cauldron
 Sense                                 Taste
 Concepts: emotion, dreams, intuition, death/rebirth, taste, blood,
 primal chaos, underworld, unconscious, sub - conscious, womb,
 psychic ability.
 Positive Qualities: compassion, sympathy, empathy, nurture, trust,
 sexuality, serenity, tranquility, depth, love, purification, family,
 Negative Qualities: sadness, jealousy, hatred, insipid, treachery,
 sorrow, deceit, spite, venom.
* Water is essential in spells and rituals of friendship, marriage, happiness, fertility, healing, pleasure, and psychic ability.
* Water is a feminine element and governs spells involving mirrors.
* Astrological elements: Cancer/Scorpio/Pisces
Spirit: To Go
Direction                      Centre (within/without)
Colours                          purple, black, white
Season                         The turning wheel
Favoured Time                Between the world
Magickal Tool                   Cauldron, sword
Sense                                 Hearing
Concepts: will, harmony, evolution, life force, transcendence, sixth sense, transformation


