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31st October


Other Names: Hallowe'en, All Hallows Eve, Death Festival
Samhain Herbs: Acorn/Oak, Apple, Corn, Dittany of Crete, Hazel, Nightshade, Fumitory, Mugwort, Allspice, Sage, Gourds, Catnip, Aplle Trees
Samhain Colours: orange, black, brown
Samhain Offerings: apples, pumpkin pie, beets, turnips, hazelnuts, corn, gingerbread, pomegranates, cider, herbal teas, pork dishes.
Samhain Deities: Hecate/Carmenta, Anubis, Isis, Nephthys, Osiris, Hel, Arawn, Don, Merlin, Morrigan, Idunna 
- marks the descent of winter
- a time when the Earth prepares for sleep and draws energies inwards
- a time to look back and take stock of the past year
- it is a time of endings, but also beginnings, as Samhain is the Celtic New Year
- at Samhain, the Horned God, who was Lord of Life and the wild Green Wood has now taken his throne as King of the Underworld.
- at Samhain we see the Goddess as the Crone, the Wise One.  She is the Dark Mother who devours the God that she may give birth to him again.  Her womb is the tomb, the underworld, where the Horned God resides over the winter months.
- Samhain is a time when the veil between the worlds is at its thinnest, and we call on the spirits of the dead and invite them to feast with us.  We call upon our ancestors and contact ancient wisdom.
- Samhain is a time for; introspection, transformation, inner work, remembrance ( - to honour/remember those who have died), skrying, banishings, sorting out unfinished business, contemplation, a time to face our dark side.



